GloFAS v3.1 – Pre-Release on 15/04/2021

Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) version 3.1 is due for pre-release on 15 April 2021. Here is a summary of the main updates:
- New modelling system based on the full configuration of the open-source LISFLOOD model calibrated over 1226 river basins
- Updates of the web reporting points and the rapid risk assessment layers and the introduction of a new hydrological skill layer.
- A stage web interface ( providing access to GloFAS v3.1 forecasts from the pre-release date, so that users can monitor in real-time GloFAS v3.1 behaviour. Please note: The stage web interface is only available to GloFAS registered users ( It is not maintained operationally, with new products, functionalities, and past forecasts being made available progressively and are not all available from the pre-release date.
- Datasets now made available through the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) (!/search?text=glofas) from the pre-release date as additional 'pre-operational' datasets, to compliment the operational version. This aims to help users conduct any necessary preparatory work ahead of the major modelling upgrade of GloFAS v3.1.
Note: GloFAS3.1 data should be considered as experimental until the official cycle release date
The preliminary date for operational release of GloFAS v3.1 is 26 May 2021. Information on data access is provided through data services, with any additional question to be made through the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) – we aim to respond to requests within 2 weeks.
For more information about this release and previous versions of GloFAS, we refer the users to the GloFAS wiki.
By Peter Salamon April 15, 2021, 9:33 a.m.